

I guess it's no longer officially New Year's Day, but I'll wish you all a happy new 2007 anyway. Happy new 2007!

Last night was good. My parents were a little stressed, but things went smoothly. Everybody we were expecting made it, even the couple coming from St. Albert. Dinner was large and delicious, with ham, lamb, candied yams, potatoes, veggies and an assortment of other dishes. There were a lot of people there, but there were also a lot of leftovers. I didn't get that drunk at all, or, at least, when I started to feel a little woozy, I had water and coffee and felt fine for the rest of the night, even though I kept drinking. Even Jenilee had her glass of Rose Champagne at midnight and even a sip of the port my dad opened. We turned on the TV 17 seconds before midnight, so we basically had time to realize how soon midnight was and then do the countdown from 10. Lots of smooches and hugs and such followed. These were mostly my parents' friends, though they're people I know and like, so it was all good. A couple of the people there had never met Peter, including Jenilee's dad, Joe. Joe got smashed and fell down trying to put his boots on when he was leaving and left a mark on our wall, but that was the worst of it, so it's all good. I played DJ with my mom's iPod, but the people there were of various ages and had differing tastes, so after people told me to change The Doors' "Break on Through" to another song, I turned on The Beatles 1 album and told my mom she could play DJ. At Jenilee's request, I introduced her to World of Warcraft. Peter had been joking about her potential to become a world premier raider, and her affinity for the game has certainly done nothing to disprove him. No surprise, she wanted to play a Night Elf Hunter (I guessed it would either be that or a Druid, which was her second choice), but she was very focused on doing stuff and killing things. I leant her my install CDs and Guest Account code, and once she gets high speed internet at home, she may become a force to be reckonned with. ^_^

Other than that, not much has happened since my last post. I went to bed at about ten past two last night and woke up just after 11 when Peter woke me up. I was very surprised at the fact that he woke up first, and I wasn't that keen on getting up, but I knew I should, so I went and procured coffee. Mmm... coffee. :-) And now it's after midnight and I am perpetuating my skewed sleep pattern. My parents went to bed at about 9:30, though, which I contemplated doing, but figured there were other, more amusing things I could do. Like write in my blog. Maybe *now* I'll go to sleep. Maybe. ^_^

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ok, so WoW is taking like 5 hours to install, all of these udpates take like 2 hours each and I am currently on my second, lol. Anyways, can't wait to play!!