
End of Term Crunch

It is Friday evening and why do I always mention the day and time in my blog posts? It's not like you guys can't read the date above the post and the time below it. My fingernails are long and it is distracting me.

In the first floor women's washrooms in FAB, there's one stall with lots of writing on the inside of the door, mostly ranting about advertising and consumer culture and whatnot. When I was in there yesterday, I saw that someone had taken a red marker and drawn that circle-with-a-V symbol from V for Vendetta. The best part? They had drawn it, not over anti-advertising rants, but over a reminder that the toilet flushes weirdly, so you have to pay attention to it.

The toilet was fixed some time ago.

I forgot to eat lunch today. That's rare for me--usually if I don't eat I can't concentrate very well and put work down, at which point I remember to eat. But today was insane. I compiled my entire Oral Collage for my Speech class. It went really well, actually, when I presented it this afternoon. But I had to cancel my rehearsal with Judy in order to finish, so in my lesson today, Russ gave me a bit of a lecture about prioritisation and time management. Now, it's taken a bloody long time, but I'm finally at a point in my life where bonafide adults actually believe that I understand that there are negative consequences to some actions, but I can't seem to get anyone to believe that there are times when I'm ok with incurring those negative consequences. Kind of a lesser of the evils sort of deal. Yes, my jury is worth 30% of my lesson mark, but my Oral Collage is worth 30% of my Speech mark, both classes are required for my degree, and the Speech project was just due first. And I started so late because I needed to find out what the hell I had to do for it, which I could have done on Monday, except for the fact that Russ made me come to masterclass instead, so I couldn't start the project until after class on Wednesday. And I worked last night. Stupid worked last night. So, really, it's not like I'm unprepared for my jury, it's just that today wasn't a good day to focus on it.

But now it is Friday Night! And even though I have to work at 9:30 tomorrow morning, I intend to relax tonight.

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