
Hippity Hop (Yo)

Hehehe. I just realized that I fell asleep with my computer mouse on my bed last night. It seems to be fine, though, although I haven't really checked to see if my dog was licking it or something.

Happy Easter! Chocolate and stat holidays for everyone!!! And something about this guy coming back from the dead, but that's kind of secondary these days. That was one of the points of this "Lessons of History" book I had to read in highschool: holy days have become holidays. I really liked that book, but it's perhaps a little too concise--to the point of almost being glib. In any case, today is an excuse to have lamb chops for dinner. My mom and I outvoted my dad, who wanted ham. Maybe that's why Jews don't eat pork--the whole ham being associated with Easter thing. ^_^ Speaking of, I miss Ben. His APT has meant that I haven't seen him in months.

I feel the need to plug something: Elizabeth Arden Lip-Fix. It's the most effective, wonderful lip blam I have ever used. It's expensive, but one tube lasts you forever. And it's not actually supposed to be a lip balm, per se, but instead a lip primer to put under your lipstick, so you have to put something with wax in it on top to act as a sealant, but it rocks. I'm currently rubbing my lips together contentedly. My brass-driven obsession with lip care products is something I like to think of as quirky and endearing. ^_^

I think I'm going to move myself downstairs so that I can half watch football while I play World of Warcraft so that I can annoy my brother when he shows up. He's a gamer, but refuses to pay subscription fees after buying the game. Silly rabbit.


Jo said...

Definitely not stat holidays or chocolate for EVERYONE......

Anonymous said...

Hey, look it works, ah ha! Anways I fell asleep on my ipod headphones and woke up with a permanat (well 1 hr) swirly line on my face, talk about imbarissing!!! Jenilee

'Nita said...
