

So when I worked last night, the April schedule still wasn't available in hard copy, but I guy showed me the online version and tole me I could download it to my computer. I didn't actually get to look at it, though. So when I tried to download it at home today and I couldn't find it, I called the store to see what was up. The supervisor I talked to didn't know how to access it, so she got the General Manager to dig up the scheldule fof her. When she got back to me, she said that, accoreding to the schedule, I was supposed to have been in at 9:30 this morning. At this point, it was after 1:00. So I quickly got changed and went to work for four and a half hours. I'm trusting the supervisor to be correct about me not working again until Thursday.

And, since I'd essentially run out to go to work, I hadn't eaten properly, so by the time the store closed, I was starving. And I really wanted to go to Joey's and have a belini and their fries. Neither Joyce nor Jenilee could come with me, though, but Peter could, so I didn't wind up sitting by myself, which was nice. And now I am happy and sated. And wondering what to do with my Saturday night sans friends and boyfriend. Curling up and going to sleep isn't sounding too bad right now, actually. Maybe I'll put a movie on. It's always nice to fall asleep in front of a movie. :-)

ETA: I have this spyware that Spybot can't fix, and, while it's not a problem, it's annoying. It keeps resetting stuff in my browser. I may have to find another spyware program...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Idealist's Haven"... I love that.