

I'm watching Miami Ink and it's reminded me of Joanne. ;-p I can't imagine being as tattooed as some of the people on that show. I would, however, get another tattoo. I've more or less decided to get a maple leaf like the one on the Canadian flag on the inside of my heel. That can wait for a couple of years at least, though. I waited six years to get my first tattoo, after all. And while I kinda felt impatient at times, I'm glad I did that. I was 11 when I came up with the idea for my tattoo, and 12 when I decided to get it done, so making sure I didn't outgrow the idea was important, plus, though it's not illegal no reputable places will tattoo a minor without parental consent, which my parents were not about to give. And since I didn't really have the... comfort zone to go to a less-than-reputable place, and I wasn't so much with the fake IDs like my sister, who got her first tattoo at 17, I was kind of stuck waiting. But it was worth it to get the stereotypical big, bald white guy covered in ink as my tattoo artist. The only non-stereotypical thing was his name: Roger. I still have his card, come to thinik of it.

Hehe, and now I'm watching CSI and the car with all the evidence in it got stolen. ^_^ They were playing the pizzacato strings and ...marimba? music of "this is supposed to be funny, not horrible," that I remember so well from seasons 6&7 of The X-Files. I can't believe I was able to pull that out of my head...

My parents leave for Italy on May 6th. They'll be gone for approximately five and a half weeks. My dad wants to see my brother before they leave, so we're going to Il Portico tomorrow night. I quite like that restaurant. It's one of the few higher-up restaurants in town that doesn't make me uncomfortable. Then again, it's not too upscale. Maybe on par with Jack's Grill, rather than The Hardware Grill. Why am I talking about this? My point is that tomorrow night will be enjoyable and then my parents leave for over a month. This would be better if I wasn't so worried about my dog, though.

Hehehe! I love Greg from CSI! ^_^

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