
Naxos Makes Me Sneeze

Today was somewhat exhausting. All of our Naxos CDs at work went up in price by $1.50, so I had to reprice them. This may not sound all that bad, but it's actually a long process. First I had to scan each CD and divide them into six categories, thereby totally ruining the nice alphabetical order they were in. Then I had to print the big white labels for some and put Clearance stickers on some. This got rid of four of the categories. Then I was left with my two biggest categories, for which I had to peel off the big white labels so that they could be replaced by little red labels, apply said labels, then apply yet more Clearance stickers to one of the categories. And then I had to realphabetize everything and put it all away. I know I must sound really whiny, but it took me six freakin' hours today to do three shelves out of eight. And since they're Naxos, they're all dusty and I was sniffling all day. And my thumbs hurt from peeling off labels. *pout*

But, hey, even with the price increase, they're only $9.49, and most of them are Clearance, so they're 50% off that. There's some good stuff in there, too. Come buy some and say hi to me and I will feel less lonely. And less hypnotized by the Chopin Nocturnes I've been listening to on repeat. We need more play copies of interesting classical music that won't annoy the customers. We only have, like, one copy of the stuff I would want to put on, so I can't unwrap it and keep it behind the desk. *another pout*

On a different topic now, does anybody who reads this watch House? The preview for next week's _two_ episodes looked insanely good. I went to the Fox website for the show and read the premise of the episodes, which I won't post here because Peter would kill me if he accidentally wound up reading it, even though it's not a spoiler, but, anyway, I'm stoked. Foreman was all crazy-looking and yelling about how he'd go to jail if it saved his life. I'm really not sure how that fits into the premise the website outlined, actually. Hmm... Anyway, watch House next week! Tuesday _and_ Wednesday at 10 on Global/Fox!!


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