
I Need a Brick Wall

(I used to say that in highschool when I got really frustrated with my Etudes Sociales teacher. My highschool was made of brick, so I eventually decided to blame the possible slight drop of my IQ on my teacher.)

It has been a while since I've updated this. I've been working a lot, and it's actually been productive and tiring, so that's kind of cut into my blogging energy. We need a standard weekend cashier.

Anyway, what inspired me to log on is that I require to rant. I was just reading an article on how technology may be harmful to kids. Not in the not-enough-exercise kind of way, but in the sense of arthritis. The case study was these two young teenage boys who owned three gaming computers, two Playstations, and one each of GameCube and XBox. The concern their mother had? Both boys can bend their thumbs back to their forearms. Now, that makes a lot of us cringe, but if you can do it, it's not really harmful. Jenilee can do that with most of her fingers. After that initial burst of vapidness, the article goes on to say that reserachers think there should be some studies done on how children are affected by the ergonomics of tech because, if there's no research done, there will be big problems with the injuries it causes in the future. Can we say "assuming our conclusions?" Argh.

And, as a kind of neat little easter egg in the whole thing, there was a link: They were quoting a doctor talking about the effects of gaming on "an entire generation of kids," and the text I just quoted linked to an article about how children can get around net nannies. I hate fear mongering.

The one thing that confused me, though, is that this article was linked to from sympatico.msn.ca, which I would think would want as many people online and using their survices as possible. Although, I must admit, in a former layout of that website, I used to go to the Family page and have some masochistic laughs at the ridiculous articles in there. I guess that I've just lost my tolerance lately.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go shower before work. At least it's only a four-hour reception shift. Maybe I'll go buy a magazine on my way in.

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