
A is for...

So this is another thing I got from Jo's blog. She assigned me the letter A, so I have to come up with ten words that start with that letter and explain what they mean to me. I'm assuming that I can't just write "A pony," etc, so I'm going to have to be creative.

1. Attention. It is what my dog is currently demanding, as he so often does. Yeah, I'm typing with one hand right now. My dog, of course, thinks I should be using this hand, too, to pet him. Excuse me a moment...

Now that I have filled Farley's treatball, I can continue in peace.

2. Attourney. My dad was one (well, his law firm called them "barristers and solicitors," but, really, everybody else calls them lawyers). Now my dad is a judge. This apparently means that my dad was a good attourney who had similar views as the people with the power to appoint him to the bench. Being a judge is like being semi-retired. You work no more than four days a week, usually only half days. This works well with my dad, who has sleep apnia, so he never gets a good enough sleep at night, so he can come home from work at 1 pm and sleep for another few hours. Loudly. Being an attourney was like working three jobs, at least for my dad. Yeah, that lead to some Unhappy!Father moments. Three cheers for the plethora of medications they put him on to counteract that!

3. Avocado. I threw one out a couple of days ago because it was black and squishy. I promise that I'll put more effort into the next one.

4. Aebersold. I have spent the past week hearing a great deal about Jamie Aebersold. His method books seem good enough, which is hard for me to admit because the first person who ever told me they existed was Ken Klause and he's an evil bastard. But what really got me this week was his appearance and voice. We watched his "Anybody Can Improvise" video from 1993 in class this week, and the man seriously could be a chapter leader for the KKK. In addition to the southern accent, his hair is worse than Donald Trump's, and his cheeckbones!! Oh, good lord, his cheekbones! For any of you who ever watched Buffy and know how much James Marsters sucked in his cheeks, let me just put this in context by saying that Jamie Aebersold's cheekbones are ten times scarier, without him even trying (or, I assume, wearing makeup). That man frightens me...

5. A&B Sound. I can't believe it took me this long to think of this one. Yeah, it's where I work. I called in sick yesterday. Hallelujah! I really did spend all day yesterday asleep, though. I go back tomorrow evening. Oh, well. It's easy, somewhat fun on occasion, and it makes me money. I have finally saved up enough for a plane ticket to Uruguay. Plus, the bank upped my credit limit to $2000. So it's all good for me, right now. :-)

My dog has returned. Time for more extreme tactics.

Oh, dear. I gave him a chewy without thinking about it. He can't hold onto it to chew with his lampshade on. He's still trying his damndest, though.

6. Asprin. I'm getting a headache, so I should get some. Well, actually, I should get some Advil and Cafergot, but Asprin is a good generic catch-all. Kind of like the way some people use the word Coke to mean any kind of pop/soda/carbonated sugary beverage. I'll get some once I finish this post. Incentive to think of things to write, all ready!!!

7. Address. My address will be changing soon! And as unhappy as I am about having to tell all the institutions I deal with about it, it means getting out of this house! This house is too big and in need of some aesthetic upgrades, such as new carpet. The carpet in here has been subjected to much too much. But the new house will be all shiny and to our exact specifications. I am greatly looking forward to essentially having the basement all to myself. :-)

8. Accent. Apparently Albertans have rather neutral accents. It's why we have so many call centres here. I applied for a job at Ipsos-Direct a couple of years ago. They offered it to me, but I turned them down. Yeah...

9. Association. I'm surprised that the Homeowner's Association here hasn't given us some sort of warning about Farley's barking. I'd go outside and stop him right now, but he's occupying himself this way. Besides, homeowner's associations are evil. I remember once when one of our neighbors reported us for painting the _inside_ of our fence in Glidden "Grey Fence" (or whatever the shade was called) instead of Behr "Grey Fence." Maybe the association gets a kickback from the brand for mandating that particular paint colour. Who knows. Either way, I am annoyed by its existence.

10. Accomplish. I came up with then words that start with the letter A that are at least semi-relevant to my life! Yay, me! I get an A!

If you wish to play, leave a comment and you will be assigned a letter. Not the letter A, don't worry.


Keeks said...

Me me me me me! I want to play!

Joyce said...

I want to play too!

'Nita said...

Kaitlyn, you get the letter L.
Joyce, you get the letter H.

Anonymous said...

Oh, pick me a letter!!!


'Nita said...

Jenilee, you get the letter S.