
My Life (As of Firday Morning) In Point Form

1. My dog is currently at the vet. He suffered another ruptured anal glad. Yes, it's as bad as it sounds. He basically, yet again, blew out his ass. There are now a number of blood stains to be cleaned up. In addition to this, when I took him to the vet, I was told that Farley also had an infection in both of his ears, as well as having significant gum problems. The vet touched his lower gums and they bled. It was not cool. So Farley will be staying where he is until at least tomorrow, maybe Monday. Poor puppy. :-(

2. I did one of the stupidest things _EVER_ last night. When I got to work, something in my backpack set off the security things that beep. I shrugged at the cashier and carried on. The same thing happened again when I left. There was now a different cashier, and I told her she could check my bag if she wanted, and she suggested that I just run my bag over the demagnetizer. I took my wallet out and did so. What I didn't take out, however, was my iPod and my computer. Totally never even crossed my mind. Peter reminded me later, though, and I dug my computer out at Earls to check that it was all right. It is, that God--that's not exactly a powerful demagnetizer--but I haven't checked my iPod yet because the battery is dead. Here's hoping, though.

3. My parents leave for Italy tomorrow morning. This is why the blood stains aren't being dealt with immediately. They'll be gone for about five and a half weeks. I'd declare the date of a blow-out party, but I'm pretty sure most people wouldn't be able to find this place. Stupid Riverbend. Go to Peter's instead if you want. His dad's in and out of town all the time, so there's a pretty good chance he wouldn't be there if you just showed up. ;-) I told my mom to bring me back something Louis Vuitton that wasn't a purse. I expect a wonderfully kitchy and sacreligious t-shirt of the Cathedral in Florence instead. ^_^

4. I've had "Let it Be" stuck in my head since last night, and, while it's a pretty song, I only know a few lines, so it gets boring pretty quickly.

1 comment:

Joyce said...

poor puppy. =(