
Opera Makes Me Sneeze, Too

I don't have to work today! Yaaaay! I booked the day off so that I could make it to a doctor's appointment, but that only took half an hour, so I have the rest of the day to relax, which makes me happy!!!

Peter, however, is probably in an even better mood than I. He's downstairs making creme caramel after purchasing custard dishes that are actually oven-safe (the first batch didn't go so well), Susser Lee is on Iron Chef tonight, followed by the conclusion of the 2-parter of House, his GPA for the year is 3.9 and the scholarship he got turned out to be for $9,300.

Myself, I still haven't gotten over the fear inspired by the nightmares I used to have about making custard, I suppose Iron Chef will be nifty, I am ecstaic about the new House episode, and my GPA is fine but not scholarship-worthy. But I get to eat some of the creme caramel, and I never bothered to apply for scholarships in the first place. ^_^

Oh! Something I've been meaning to mention! We still have somebody's camera from when we went for Thai food, like, two months ago. It's a digital camera that uses four AA batteries. We thought it was Doug's, but he says it isn't, and we're not sure where to go from here. If it's yours, please tell me and I'll try to get it back to you asap.

Holy crap! It's after 5pm! When the hell did that happen??? It was 2 o'clock, like, an hour ago, I swear~! It's easier to miss evening in the summer, what with all the daylight and such. The only problem is that I've missed the news a few times by accident, which annoys me. I like watching local news. I'm weird that way. I don't particularly care about the Oilers, though. Oh, speaking of, I was trying to drive down Whyte Ave at 9:30 on Monday night. That was difficult and vaguely scary. Apparently the ruckus didn't peak until about 11, but, still. And I had such a horrible headache and with all the honking and scraming, I just wanted to get to a place that had Advil. So when I finally got to Peter's place, I took three and went to bed. Couldn't sleep, but at least I was still in a quiet, dark room. Man, it's been a while since I've had a migrane that bad...

Now if we wind up playing Clagary in the next series, I'm staying the hell out of public as much as I can...

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