
The Many Joys of Scrubs and Black Plastic Wrap

Ok, so this will be a real post, rather than just a rant about the stupidity of soft media parenting advice. *twitch*

My dog smells funny and is covered in prickly things. Ouchy.

Uh... soooo... Yeah, lately, I've mostly been at work. It hasn't been that bad, really, because there have been things to do. We were doing a returns project for overstock, and that, briefly interrupted by an insane Saturday cash shift, kept me busy.

Wait--Paris Hilton's debut single is a reggae song?? Yikes.

Anyway, I kind of got myself roped into working today. I thought that I was supposed to be working this evening, and I was checking the schedule with the manager who writes the schedule right next to me, and when he asked me if I wanted to work today, I said yes, assuming he meant this evening, but, of course, he meant a full shift this morning to finish the returns. So I lugged boxes around. And watched Scrubs. And teased the manager responsible for me being there when he wrapped the flats of boxes in this black palstic wrap stuff and got dizzy from all the running in circles. ^_^

Yeah, asides from that, I have no life. Joyce and I were going to go see X-Men on Sunday, but she had a midterm on Monday, so that fell through. And then Peter and I were going to go see it last night, but when I got off work, I needed food and sleep, both of which precluded movie-going. We're aiming for tomorrow sometime, since Peter wants to go instancing with his newly-60 cow. Silly boy. ;-p

However, I just got off the phone with him, and he wants to go tonight, prior to instancing. So we'll see what happens.

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