

So Morgan and Pri have decided to become known by one name. And one blog. *points to new link at right* This simplifies things greatly, since now we can eliminate those two pesky syllables, "gan and" from the phrase "Morgan and Pri." Stupid "gan and."

Elsewise, I am still alive. Tonight at work was boring. I read about 100 pages of Chuck Palahniuk's novel Survivor. Go read it. The Prayer for a Parking Space just cracks me up. Tomorrow I get to work reception all day. Not as boring as it could be, since it'll be Saturday, so there will actually be people around, but still. I feel like I should go to some bar, get ridiculously drunk and have a one-night stand with somebody to make up for the fact that I have had very little of a life lately. I don't think that's such a good idea, though. Maybe I can get moderately tipsy and spend the night with my long-term boyfirend instead. ^_^ Monday will be our two and a half year anniversary. :-) We're gonna go to Wild Tangerine.

For now, though, I should go to bed. My dog agrees with me whole-heartedly, it seems.

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