
Friday Night Food

I'm actually at my desk, of all the improbably locations for me to be using my laptop. I'm very happy to be home. I was supposed to be at work right now. See, my mom woke me up this morning to inform me that dinner with my sister et al. would be tonight. I guess whatever my parents had to do was cancelled or ignored or something. Anyway, I was supposed to be working from 12:30-9, but I told my mom I'd try to get the last four hours off. No luck, however, as it was only going to be me and this kid Jeff, along with a receptionist. That's what's known as the bare-bones staffing of software. I even called Kripa to see if she could work, but I left her a message and she never got back to me. However, when five o'clock rolled around, this other DVD guy came in. It turned out that he had bargained with the scheduling manager to work tonight instead of Wednesday, when the game was on. Jeff showed up ten minutes late, thanks to a train, and I almost thought he wasn't coming, but I did a little happy dance when I saw him. And to top it all off, I talked to the scheduling manager on my way out, and I am not in fact working on Sunday, after all. Different versions of the schedule were conflicting, so I wasn't sure, but now I get a day of leisure. ^_^

Something downstairs smells good. My siblings aren't here yet--within 45 minutes--but cooking has begun. I had to stop on my way home and buy a steak because I'd told my parents that I wouldn't be able to make it tonight. My dad reimbursed me, plus two dollars, though, so I really didn't mind. ^_^

Oh! Right! That's why I started this post in the first place: Peter has finalised the menu for July 2nd. As it stands, we've got:

Course 1: Pork wonton woup.
Course 2: Dragon noodles (cold, slightly spicy) with wok-seared tuna. Peter's take on a noodle salad, he says.
Course 3: Classic fried rice with stir-friend greens and maltose-glazed spareribs.
Course 4: Chocolate pecan rum tarte. This isn't Chinese, Peter says, because there are no desserts in Chinese cuisine. ^_^

Lastly, here's a little game I've stolen from Joyce's blog. The rules are as follows:
1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open it to page 161.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of the sentence in your journal along with these instructions.
5. Don't search around and look for the coolest book you can find. Do what's actually next to you.

Since I cleaned my room yesterday morning, the nearest place of a book was my bookshelf. This presented a problem, as there are many books on my bookshelf. So I chose the last one I put down (also the last one I read). In addition to that, I opened the book and was reminded that the pages are in reverse order (as are the chapters), so I'll post both the fifth sentence from the page marked 161 and the 161st page of text.

The page marked 161:
"Hiding in the toilet, I mean."

The 161st page of the text (marked page 128):
"People went home feeling saved, and I told myself I'd kill myself some other time."

Survivor, by Chuck Palahniuk


Joyce said...

what do you mean there are no desserts in chinese cuisine? Tell Peter to look harder. =P

Anonymous said...

Okay, okay, there are desserts in chinese cuisine.

I just don't want to make them. =)

The China Moon, the restaurant from whence all these recipies are drawn, had a thoroughly chinese, but very western influenced, pastry chef, and it's all her recipies in the dessert section.

If anyone has any objections to the un-Chinese nature of the dessert, they may feel free to write to the nearest Chinese embassy, and lodge a complaint.

Everyone else, you get Chocolate Pecan Rum tart.

'Nita said...

I think you hit a bit of a sore spot, Colbert. ;-p