
New Hell's Kitchen!!!

*does happy dance*

My only problem with this season is that there aren't enough people. And they all seem to have some backgroun in professional food preparation. I'm hoping the "something [Gordon Ramsay's] never done in Hell's Kitchen before" is adding more people, what with Larry dropping and Sara apparently going AWOL in addition to the two people eliminated and Heather with her burnt hand. That looked painful. But, other than that, the past two hours were entirely filled with wonderful Hell's Kitchen antics that I know and love. Well, I suppose I only saw the last hour and a half because I was at work until nine, but, still. Despite them being totally different people, I am so calling Tom as the new Dewberry. More or less incompetant caricatures of people who are hopelessly doomed to be their own downfall in life. Then again, Tom could just be some actor who auditioned for the role of Tony Soprano and didn't get it, causing him to go into a psychosis where he believes he is a New York/Jersey badass. His permanent detached frown and liberal use of slang such as "you wanna wax me" has me fixated on him out of morbid curiosity. ^_^

*does another happy dance*

Also, work was great tonight. There was practically nobody in the store because of the hockey game, and since I was working reception, I wasn't even bored. I got no more than two dozen phone calls all night. When I got there, the menu for The Wedding Singers was on the screen, and I almost hit play, but decided that I had seen that movie too much recently, so I turned to the shelf where we keep DVDs for watching, and there was the first season of House, just sitting there. So I watched five episodes of that. Had a grand old time. ^_^ I doubt my shift tomorrow will be quite as interesting, but maybe I'll bring another book. I wonder if Half Blood Prince is out in paperback yet. My hardcover copy is too big and too cumbersome to read to take it to work with me. Hmmm... I'm looking at my bookshelf right now, and it strikes me that I don't have a lot of books there to choose from. Not because I don't have a lot of books that I like (although I dislike reading books because I can never get good lighting and almost always get a sore neck), but because I have such limited bookshelf space that it forces me to pack away all but my most favourite books. I am greatly looking forward to getting a bookshelf when we move. The shelving until I have now is totally staying here. It's fastened to the wall with some wood blocks and leather straps. I might make a kinky joke, but the whole deal is also painted a light purple called "Simplicity," and that really kind of takes the edge off any potential humour.

But after work tomorrow, my parents and I are going to The Keg. They were too exhausted to go last night, and I was working tonight, so it's happening tomorrow night. But, hey, if I were to travel through time, would tomorrow night become tonight? Or is living and "moving" through spacetime considered time travel, ergo all tomorrow nights are destined to become tonights, and, therefore, are tonights? I wonder what percentage of Americans spell it "tonite" in casual writing. I wonder what percentage of people generally spell it "2nite" in online chat/forum senarios. Things to ponder.

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