
Wanton Gathering

After much conferring, I can now procalim that our "reunion dinner" will take place on Sunday, July 2nd! I will be sending out e-mails in a moment. Unfortunately, though, I don't have e-mails for Courtney or Jeremy. Unless Jeremy's still using that kts_chops one, but I don't know... Then again, I don't know if he's even in town... Regardless, anybody with a current e-mail address for either of those people, could you please send it my way?

On a side note, I have (finally) added Angela's blog to my links list. I don't know why I didn't do that before. I also changed the Tinuviel Henneth link back to her Xanga, which is the one that she's actually using.

Now for little random things: I have just eaten an enormous quantity of cherries. First bag of the summer. Mmmmm. :-) "Rob" has been mowing my lawn for the past hour and a half, about. He left it for so long after the last time that the grass had grown higher than the deck, so it's taking quite a while for them to cut it. I have locked my dog inside. Peter and I's celebration of our two and a half year anniversary last night went very well. ^_^ I bought a pretty new dress to wear, one that was strapless, and so, of course, it rained. Oh, well. I also bought a jean jacket, so I wore that. I had been looking at that jean jacket for a while, and it was finally down to about half price, so I gave in and bought it. ^_^ I don't work at all this week except for tomorrow evening. That means less money made, but it also means a break from work, which, as I believe I've mentioned, has kind of eaten up my whole life for the past little while. Maybe I'll reread the sixth Harry Potter book. I've only read it once...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for adding me! It's very exciting to see your name written in someone else's blog. YAY ME! Coincidentally I also updated my link list just yesterday. The main difference being that YOUR blog was already on my link list... (raised eyebrow)

:D Thanks again laday.