
Various Forms of Insanity

Wow. Not meaning to channel a couple people I know who've written lengthy and melodramatic posts in response to stupid comments, but I'm confused by these anonymous rantings. So I'm a jazz snob because I find it frustrating to play with musicians whom I know have good aural skills but can't seem to apply them to the instrument in their hands (which they've taken courses on how to play)? Alrighty. Get yourself into a tizzy if you'd like. But the comment on the last post is bizarre. What would prompt somebody to bring up that previous entry? What about putting people down came up in my last post? Why would you even read a blog that just gets your riled up? I guess some people get off on righteous indignation.

In other news, work has been ridiculous the past couple of days. Yesterday started out with a scramble to finish what I've dubbed the Project for Hell, ie, boxing up all our clearance CDs by label, meaning we have to scan each CD individually because the sticker's not always right, then put it in one of 46 boxes (I counted all the possibilities). Now, since this requires you to have roughly 46 boxes around, it's not reccomended that it be done in two seperate locations, otherwise we'd never have enough boxes. And since the clearance section is right next to the reception desk, that's where the work is done. But since there' s only one computer at the reception desk, only one person can work on this at a time. So yesterday I was helping Jasmine, who was on reception, by taping her up some more boxes, "refreshing" for her the ones she'd filled up and organizing them so that she could find each label easily, instead of having to look under piles of boxes. Over in the corner by the bins we'd already emptied, two of our managers were conferring. Once I'd finally gotten everything reasonably straight, I retreated to "my" room. I then sent Joyce a text message about said Project from Hell.

Then the two managers walked in and started the Project from the Bowels of Hell.

Namely, re-arranging my room.

It's looking pretty nifty now, but what they wanted to do was bring World Music and Folk back into the Jazz and Classical room, but without giving back the space we lost to storage when we moved World Music out of the room. So we wound up putting bins in this kind of curvy triangle shape, which took forever because of the amount of discussion our GM wanted to do, plus moving the bins, some of which were full of CDs, others of which we had to unload and then reload so that we could get the bins into the room. I spent the remainder of my shift yesterday moving CDs around.

Then, this morning, once I did an hour and a half in the bizarre limbo that is the main CD floor (I have no idea what they're in the middle of doing there, so I don't touch anything. Thus, a boring hour and a half) until Stephanie arrived, I went back and moved some more CDs. Then I had to portion them out into the new number of bins we'd allocated for each section. Then I had to check the organization (since they were moved a handful at a time, and not just by me, but by the managers who don't know the stuff, some handfuls were mispalced) and then face everything so that the shelves looked as full as possible. I got through everything but Jazz, which I left for Lindsey to do when she gets back to work tomorrow after being in Tennessee. I'll be in tomorrow night to double-check that I didn't miss something horribly glaring before the sale starts on Friday. I don't know why the managers didn't do anything a couple days earlier, because they've been in a mad scramble to re-arrange the whole bloody store over the past two days, and it's getting tight, time-wise.

I know this just sounds like for once I'm getting a couple days' honest work, but, really, that's not what I signed up for. ^_^ Although, last night I got stuck on reception for a few hours because the scheduling manager goofed, and, I must say, I was quite happy to be back at the Project from Hell, compared to what I'd been doing before. ^_^

And now it is 8 o'clock, and I'm going to go make the most of the longest day of the year. I made myself not nap when I came home from work so that I wouldn't miss the evening. ^_^


'Nita said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
'Nita said...

Oops. Commented on the wrong post.

Anonymous said...

You piss me off!

Jo said...

I'm so confused......

Anonymous said...

Ummm....this may be completely wrong, but it might not be anyone you know afterall. Some people (losers, mainly) read the blogs of people they don't even know and then leave anonymous comments essentially just to stir the shit. It's a possibility. It would be much nicer to think that someone is just a loser, rather than a loser with a problem with you, no?

Anonymous said...

I'm confused too. But whatever...it's YOUR blog, you have the right to post whatever you darn well feel like!

Keeks said...

You are one of the least snobbish people I know... And we've all had to delete a post/comment here and there...some people are just plain rude!

'Nita said...

I never thought it was anyone I knew. And I guess it's been proven that it's not, since I'm pretty sure I don't anyone named Janet. Although it seems more like I stirred their shit, as Angela put it. Oh, well. Comments on my blog justify my existence. ^_^