
Cookie Hangover

On a whim, I got a London Fog this morning instead of a latte. I am now regretting that decision as I try to not fall asleep on the keyboard and post a long string of gibberish along the lines of "7 g ei bfwwo9ifpohwepifhahf aoehf ewafoh230..."

Reality is currently of the vaguely unpleasant variety. The job at St. John's Music was full-time only, so I couldn't take it. That was disappointing. They're keeping my resume on file for if they ever need part-time help, though. My second 282 midterm is on Wednesday, the 31st, when the first one was on the 5th, and there's even more pages of music to learn for this one. I currently begrudge Romantics their excess. I'm not too worried about my Orchestration midterm tomorrow, though, as long as I remember to bring a ruler. And my Choral Tech midterm went well on Friday, though I accidentally made a mistake on the IPA spelling of beauty, writing [buti], rather than [biuti]. Meh. Like I said, *vaguely* unpleasant. ^_^

Last night, Joyce and I made Hallowe'en sugar cookies. Some of them puffed up a little bit, so there were a couple of witches on brooms that weren't recognizable as such, but most of them turned out well. That was fun. I took my half to Peter's place, where people were gathered for Sunday dinner, and they got eaten. ^_^

Other than that, not much is up. I think I will go fall asleep studying for 282. ^_^

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