
Of a Friday

Today I learned about the Eater Egg-esque cryptograms in Robert Schumann's music and I am thoroughly delighted. I *heart* Romantic music.

I'm currently doing a little dance of "no afternoon classes today!" When I'm done Choral Tech, I'm heading to work to pick up my schedule and (finally) change my availability so that I can actually schedule appointments with my doctor (who's now working Monday afternoons only), and then I'm going to go home and veg. I haven't decided if it will be in front of the computer or in front of the tv, but it will enjoyable. :-)

My brother left last night. I was wondering where my parents were when I got out of rehearsal at 6:30, and when I called my mom's cell, they were at the airport, along with Chris' mom and stepdad. Apparantly, everybody cried except for Jim (the stepdad). I don't know if I've ever seen my dad cry before. It's an odd thought. It's also an odd thought that my dad would be so upset at Chris leaving when my dad used to go years without even remembering his birthday. I guess things have changed in the past few years, and it's not that I ever thought that my dad didn't love Chris, but... people are odd and act in self-contradictory ways.

My nose is dry and sore in spots. This is actually a good thing, since it's been running like mad the past few months, and a change hopefully means that the treatment for the mould is working. Yay, no more mould! Yay, no more chronic respiratory annoyance!

Random craving: tequila. And it's 10:30 in the morning.

Amusing fact: my dog has started to snore. It's ridiculously cute. ^_^

I'm rambling now. Stupid not getting enough sleep. More tequila!

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