

I'm at school! And I went to my first class! This shouldn't feel like an accomplishment, but over the past two days, I went to one class. I even missed rehearsal last night. Blah...

It seems that I am rekindling my blog love, or at least my love of rambling. I apologize if anybody finds this horribly boring or stupid or anything. I'd tell you not to read it if you don't like it, but that would make me feel lonely. ^_^ Peter doesn't even read my blog anymore. He says that its because it actually requires reading... So I tell him things in person. :-D

I was going to fold clothes last night, but instead I slept, so I feel reasonably good today. As you may have guessed by the fact that I've been missing class, I haven't been feeling that great lately. In addition to that, I also seem to be having a quarter-life crisis. I'm getting really scared about what I'll do next year. I'm worried about how healthy it would be for me to just head out and teach just because that's what I'm trained to do; I'm not sure that jumping in to a new place with a sudden, very demanding full-time job would be the best idea. I keep thinking about my brother saying that he was sick of taking baby steps, which is why he moved to London, but I don't think that moving to California is that much of a baby step, even if I just work retail or something. I think, ideally, I'd want a 0.7 teaching placement. Tom says there's no such thing as a part-time music teacher, and I agree totally, but less actual teaching would make it easier to set up, revitalize, or maintain a program. I could clean the room and find all the missing percussion mallets. ^_^

Part of me is whispering to go back to school in California, either as a graduate student or an undergrad. Expand on my Drama education. I have decided that I wouldn't make the best Drama teacher to a lot of students. I got a pretty average bunch in my student teaching, and I found that I had little idea of where to start with people who didn't want to be there. An oversight by somebody who doesn't have that problem. ^_^ Having finished all of my Drama requirements and then some, I feel both like I don't know nearly enough and that I haven't found a proper niche. Not that changing either of those things would necessarily give me any more direction in life than getting a BMus or a BEd. Life is stupid that way. Maybe I should go review my Ed Psych text on the formation of identity. ^_^

For now, though, I have lost nearly all of my computer/electronics cables. I can't find anything with which to charge my iPod or my cellphone, and I've misplaced my mouse and the cord for my portable hard drive. Thus, large DivX files are clogging my laptop, my cellphone is dead and I can't play WoW on my machine. I have no idea what happened to any of these things. They went missing gradually. I've done multiple searches of my room, and I am stumped. If you really need to get ahold of me, call my house or e-mail me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I read your blog and, for what it's worth, I quite enjoy it.