
Friday Afternoon

Ok, so I've just taken some Advil and postponed my plans to use my Gap Friends and Family discount card until tomorrow. My sunburn _finally_ started to peel today, which means that I both look ridiculous (espcially my nose), and am in even more pain than usual from the raw, still red skin that's becoming exposed. At least the new skin doesn't look like that of a raw chicken, like my shoulders have for the past several days. Hopefully, once the painkillers kick in, and I go take a cold shower, I'll feel better.

Despite all of this, I've had a really good day so far, though there hasn't really been much to it. I had the best breakfast! I had a toasted peanut butter and banana sandwich and some nice, cold milk. It was very satisfying and refreshing. Then, on my way home, I went to Sunterra and bought a couple of chicken quesidillas. One of those will make a wonderful dinner. :-) I really like Sunterra's deli/cafe stuff. The quesidillas need a little seasoning, but are quick and excellent. And healthy. I had microwave popcorn for dinner last night (didn't feel like cooking the chicken I had in the freezer), so today I should actually get some vitamins and whatnot into my system. Being a) female and b) a migrane sufferer, it's not exactly news to me that food affects how you feel, but it is nice to enjoy it. ^_^

And because I'm in a good mood today, I'm offering this list in response to the last one:

A Random List of Things I Like

Bell peppers in all colours
My dog
The smell of plants
My "messy" t-shirt
The Oompa-Loompa music in the remake
Brewed iced tea
My tablet pc
Dark chocolate
Hanging out with my friends

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