
Wednesday Night


I've been kinda hazy all evening. I know I won't be able to sleep if I go to bed now, but the 11 o'clock news just isn't terribly riveting tonight. I tried to put my semi-contiousness to use by retrieving all of my audio files; I put my entire CD collection into iTunes, then relocated it on my harddrive, so I now have to tell iTunes where to find each song as I try to play it. Unfortunately, iTunes seems to have decided to ignore the existence of several of my audio files within my main iPod folder, so I can't tell it where to find all of those songs. Grr...

My sunburn is still raging. I've pinned my sarong into a pseudo-shirt because it's the only thing I have that doesn't feel like sandpaper against my skin, and as long as I wear that, take Advil and don't move my shoulders or touch my forehead/nose, I'm more or less alright. I went to pick up my trial pair of contact lenses today, though, and my gap t-shirt scraped horribly. I'm not sure what I think of these contact lenses. They correct both my myopia and my astigmatism, unlike the ones I've previously worn, so my vision is noticeably better, but they feel really dry. And I had to go pick them up personally, instead of my mom, who works in the same building, because I had to be shown where the little line is that tells me where the bottom is because the lenses have to be aligned properly, even though they rotate by themselves once you put them in your eyes. I even have to go back to check that they're alright for me next week, because they're so expensive and such an extreme perscription that they want to double-check before they order them for me. Stupid being blind... And deaf... I was really enjoying these lenses today, though, because being able to see properly really makes up for not being able to hear properly, but, really, I'd rather not have either problem.

I'm in a grumbly mood, so I'm going to finish off with this list:

A Random List of Things That Bug Me

People who use MiXeD cApS in their internet handles
Commercials run at saturation
Hidden tracks on CDs
Not having any food when I'm desperately hungry
T-shirts with double-entendre phrases on them
The American Whose Line?
Gwen Stephani's Harajuku clothing line
Novelty!Slash 'ships
People who don't turn on their cell phones

1 comment:

Keeks said...

To add to the list:

People who pretend to be someone they're not.
Brown bananas.
Gorgeous shoes that hurt like hell.
Hair that doesn't cooperate.
Writing your resume.