
Want French Toast

*incoherant mumble*

It's 9:30 on Sunday morning, and it was pushing 3:00 by the time I got to sleep last night, but yet, I can't sleep. I think it's because I'm hungry, but I'm holding out so that Peter and I can go for breakfast in a bit. He's still sleeping, but he's said I can drag him out of bed in 45 minutes to an hour. And if you'd ever tried the mascarpone french toast with maple banana topping at Urban Diner, you'd understand why. Mmm...

I was rather surprised at the comments left by people I don't know on my last post. I was unsure what lead a couple of them to my blog, and so I was going to post an experimental post full of nothing but keywords people might serach for--everything from $$$ to XXX. But I decided that might invite more crap than I cared for. ^_^

Peter and I walked in at 12:45 last night to discover that the kitchen had been bombed. It was insane. Apparently there had been a celebratory dinner in honour of Nora and Julia (?) recording a Christmas CD, and Malcolm Forsythe (sp?) and various hangers-on had been present. That kitchen, despite kicking ass, is rather small. It really did look like something catastrophic had taken place (and Andy says that was after running two loads in the dishwasher already). And what does Peter decide to do to help before going to bed? Put Saran Wrap over the plate with two leftover Bernard Callebaut chocolates and three cookies. I didn't realize this rather odd decision, though, and when he came over, Saran Wrap poised for the attack, I had already eaten one of the chocolates. ^_^ So Peter ate the other and we decided that if the butter could sit out all night (which it did), then so could the cookies. ^_^

Lastly, there is a topic I'd like some feedback on: Last night, Peter asks if he can install World of Warcraft on my tablet pc. It has the specs to run it, being more or less brand new, and he said he'd like to know how well it worked if you were to play it with a stylus. And he's trying to get me curious enough to play it myself. He's wondering if maybe we could play together. So, my question for y'all is this: If it were me convincing Peter to take an active interest in, I don't know, quilting or dried flower arrangements or something, would his friends never let him hear the end of it? Or, alternately put: Am I whipped?


Anonymous said...

As for the unknowns leaving comments on your blog, Duff's blog is really cool, and I've posted the link to it on my blog. If you're looking for something to do, check it out. It's quite humorous! As for the computer game-why not? You might even like it. I know Alyssa started gaming, and she quite enjoys it. I think it's different for girls to play videogames than for guys to, say, quilt:)Go for it!!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I looked at Duff's blog, and it is neat. I was kinda joking about the game; I just find Peter's efforts to convert me to a gamer, which have so far been slow but steady, rather amusing. ^_^

Keeks said...

We're all whipped when it comes to love...or lust...or whatever the case may be...And as for these anonymous posts...well...you're an interesting writer and obviously more popular than the rest of us bloggers... =)