
Back to Cool!

My comp's been acting all weird, but it seems to be happy now. It's been telling me that it's connected to my wireless internet, but it won't do anything internet-y. So I've brought it over to Peter's place, and it's happy again!

So the first two days of classes are over. Thank God. Yesterday was particularly difficult. I'd decided to try to beg my way into Drama 240, but I realised it might conflict with my Rep Class. After spending the morning looking for Russ, I discovered that that was in fact the case. I felt bad because I wanted that Drama course, and Russ didn't tell me I wasn't allowed to not be in Rep class, so I still had to make the decision myself. I had a lesson that went well, though, and then went to the Drama class to discover that I could totally skip the second hour of ever Monday's class. The plan for the entire semester is that we get our assignments on Monday and present them on Wednesday and Friday, so the second hour of Monday's classes are just going to be exercises and whatnot, which I have no problem missing. I haven't told the prof this, yet, however. ^_^ But I got around the whole not-technically-being-alowed-to-take-this-course-even-though-it-applies-to-my-degree thing when my prof told me to go down the the Drama office and just have Connie override everything and put me in the course. She asked me if I have the pre-requisites, and I said yes, because I do. Technically, being a Drama major isn't a pre-requisite, it's a requisite. ^_^ I know it's not a problem, though. My prof seems cool. He actually reminds me of the reporter dude from Almost Famous.

My 281 prof was a surprise, though. It had said on Beartracks that it would be Brenda, but it wound up being David Grammit instead. He's not bad, it seems, but all of those "eyum"s that pepper his speech might get a little annoying after a while. He reminds me of Woody Allen, what with the whole stammering Jewish guy act. But it seems like the course is going to be well-organised and well-focused, which makes me happy because I just might learn something about music history, even if the course does have the insanely ambitious trait of covering from about 1000 - 1750.

Band Techniques is looking like it's going to be a bitch of a course, though. It has 7 required texts. Three of them are scores, but still. We're doing Air for Band, First Suite and some Dvorak small ensemble piece I don't know. And we have a two page paper due next class.

Oh, well. I seem to be running out of steam in terms of talking about school. I think I'll just laze around for a while now. :-)

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