
Cow Town

So Calgary was, well, Calgary. Nothing terribly special about that, I guess. The dinner was a smaller affair than I though it woul be. Just my aunt and uncle, my other aunt, my cousin and his fiancee and my parents and I. Still, I hadn't seen any of them in a while, so it was nice to catch up.

Not that there was really any good news to catch up on, other than Ted's upcoming wedding. My aunt Yanny will be probably start her first round of chemotherapy on Wednesday, if all her tests come back the way her specialist thinks they will. Lymphoma. She was given a 7-year prognosis about a year ago, and she was doing better in November, but apparently that's how lymphoma works, in waves of badness. My cousin Melissa is off work for three months for depression. She and her sister have not been doing well lately. *sigh* My grandparents will die soon, but for the meantime they're kind of miserable. They move into the senior's home February first. That's probably what'll kill them. Well, that and old age/terminal illness. *another sigh*

In happier (?) news, Wayne went back to India, this time with a five-year visa. He'll be back for Ted's wedding, I'm sure, but that may be all we get to see of him for the next long while. Also, my cousin Tiana is pregnant again, and the scare a couple of weeks ago was _not_ a miscarriage, so yay for that! Babies! Babies all over the place! Now if only my cousin Danny would get married and have kids, my aunt Yanny may live to meet all her grandchildren. No pressure on Danny or anything, but he and his girlfriend did just buy a townhouse together. And I currently feel really bad for my aunt...

I gave my dog a bath this afternoon because his overnight stay in the kennel made him smell, and now he's sitting on my bed, still a little damp, shivering. It's weird, actually--it makes the whole bed kind of quiver. But he's always good about being bathed and groomed and whatnot, so I gave him two jerky treats and he forgave me for getting him all cold and wet.

Oh, Joyce, you'll like this: We exchanged Christmas gifts last night, and my aunt gave me Tim Horton's gift certificates! Yay breakfast!

Speaking of breakfast, we ate at Ricky's All Day Grill this morning because it was right next to our hotel, and holy crap! That place gives you enough food for breakfast to last you an entire freakin' day! I'm _still_ full, and I had a smaller dish and didn't come close to finishing it.

*sigh* I've kind of missed my weekend, here. I get to go to school tomorrow and fake my way through my Arban's study in my lesson. It's too early in the term to ask to work on the Haydn. Oh, well. At least it should be productive.

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