
NEOS Can Bite Me

Sitting in the Rutherford South computer lab for 281. No idea why we're here. I think he's going to demo research for us. Oh, yup, he is. Three cheers for sitting in the back row.

Jo and Doug, I am insanely jealous that you didn't have to take 431. Then again, given a choice between a choral course and this one, I'd probably take the band one. I just wish it wasn't with Dr. Street, who expects quite a bit. I don't care if it's a 400-level course, I want it to be easy! ^_^

I've been feeling pretty horrible lately. I was thinking last night that I might have a mild flu. I'm not sure right now, though. I feel all right right now. I still don't have a story to tell in my speech class this afternoon. I'm vaguely worried. I did get Sara to agree to sub for me in Wind Ensemble this afternoon, so I can in fact go give my presentation. I really should have considered my unscheduled classes when deciding whether or not to take this course. Oh, well. Our Wind Ensemble music is actually pretty straight forward right now, so I don't feel too bad missing a sectional.

I'm running out of things to write about. Over half an hour left before the end of class. The prof reccomended Spider Solitaire for those of us who know what he's teaching and are bored. I'm kind of sick of that game, though. It's either too easy or doomed from the start.

Lalala... Dentyne Tango gun tastes like eating straight Jell-o powder. I remember when bringing Jell-o powder for a snack was a fad when I was in the sixth grade. Maybe I'll go Google "story" and see what happens.

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