
Spiffy Saturday

I've had a very productive day so far, and I am very happy about it. I got my galsses lenses replaced, so they now have the correct coating and don't look foggy anymore. I also _finally_ went out and bought some printer iron-on transfers for dark fabric, so I can make my Machiavelli t-shirt as soon as I wash the shirt I plan to use. I got my watch adjusted, so it doesn't slide around my wrist anymore. And, last but not least, I bought a pair of jeans that I *heart*. They're from the Gap, and are apparently left-weave denim (whatever that means), but they're _not_ stretch (yay!), and they're all faux-destroyed and stitched. It was even a (semi) justifiable purchase, as I have two paris of jeans that are thisclose to being unwearably worn.

And now my parents are appliance shopping for the new house, which means that they'll be in a good mood when they get home and they'll go out for dinner and I'll have the place to myself to do whatever, or I could go to Second Cup and see Peter, or whatever I want. I am looking forward to having a good night.

1 comment:

Joyce said...

left weave denim is softer - but that means it's not as durable.