
Story Time

You know how sometimes people go back to their high school and say it looks smaller than they remember it? Well, I went back to Ainlay on a whim this afternoon, and it looked freakin' huge. Well, the theatre did, at least. I hadn't been in there since before Agrell retired, so seeing the area without his piles and piles of stuff everywhere was quite the shock. They even have three change rooms! And you can see the floor in the cages! There are even posters about the curriculum on the wall. The new teacher, Trudy something, I think, is blonde and perky. She was apparently also a music minor. Kinda nifty. I also saw Mr. Speers (who encouraged me to volunteer at the AIBF in March), and he finds the new Drama teacher to be enthusiastic about the wrong things. I'm not entirely sure what he means, but saying that Agrell was a better teacher is like saying that every morning the sun will rise--duh. I miss Agrell. Every now and then I wish he would show up around the Drama department and give me a bit more validation when I'm feeling like a groupie, as sometimes occurs.

Speaking of my post-secondary drama education, I need a story to tell in my speech class on Friday. I have no idea which to tell. It has to be a known story, like a legend or a book or something, and the speech has to be five minutes long. Any suggestions?

And I drove home thinking about pedagogy and the Elephant Metaphor. And now my brain feels like it's been being long-winded all day, so I'm gonna stop typing now. Maybe make myself yet more tea. Mmm, tea...

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