

I found my binder!!! It was indeed in SouthLab. I was so relieved that I wanted to cry.

I am at home right now. I have this nice three-hour break between Percussion Techniques and Wind Ensemble, and I enjoy coming home during it when I can. I can read the comics, which I never have time to do when I'm trying to get to my 8am class, I can take a nap, I can play with my dog... It's very nice to have a sunny morning to yourself.

Since my parents were in Jasper until Sunday, we didn't do the turkey thing, but my dad did cook salmon and fettucini alfredo last night for the three of us, Chris and Peter. My mom bought half and half for my dad to use in the alfredo sauce, but he went back to Safeway and bought whipping cream. I think maybe I should have a salad for lunch... and dinner...

I _so_ want to hear that recording of Regis Philbin and Donald Trump singing Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer! To this day, whenever I think of that song, I think of the California Raisins version from A Claymation Christmas. That's on my tape of Christmas specials from, like, 1990 that I watch every year, along with the Peanuts Christmas Special, the classic (claymated?) Rudolph, Frosty the Snowman, Mickey's Christmas Carol, and even the Garfield special. And all of the old commercials are great! "Hey Remmington--Shave This!"

And now for something we hope you'll really like.

A List of my Weaknesses
(Or at least the ones I'm willing to share with the world)

BBQ chips
My dog
The big gushy chair in the lownjlounge
Indulging Joyce (j/k)
Sleeping in
Nice clothes
Hair Dye (although not lately)
Metaphysical witticisms (not that I'm sure what those are)

1 comment:

Joyce said...

mean! oh wait! I have my OWN blog to get back at you! I kid, I kid. ^_^