
Mmm... Cherry-Flavoured

Ok, so I promised that I'd come back today with a happier spin on things. And today actually wasn't that bad. I ate a pomegranate (sp?) at lunch! It was messy and tart and very yummy. It made my afternoon happy. :-)

I... did surprisingly little today, considering I really haven't stopped. Went to class this morning and watched presentations. Yippy. Went to see my doctor in Mill Woods, went and ate lunch, went to Conducting class and came home and worked on my monologue. Now I'm thinking about what to eat for dinner. If I wasn't so hungry, I'd go grocery shopping. I'm almost out of cereal and microwavable stuff. Mmm... student chow.

Jenilee and I have been playing phone tag since Wednesday. I'm hoping to be able to see her this weekend, but tomorrow I have rehearsal at 10 and Dave's slightly belated birthday dinner, which, yet again, I am surprised to be invited to. Oh, well. I like Dave, and I guess he doesn't think of me a his brother's annoying girlfriend, so it's all good. Plus, yay yummy food at Jack's Grill! Mmm... not student chow.

I tried taking my dog for a short walk to the mail box today and he ran all over the neighborhood, eventually stopping to accost a couple of kids with his barks, tail and tongue, at which point I was able to catch him and carry him home. I think he's slightly resentful. Maybe I'll give him one of those chewies he likes. Would that be reinforcing his behaviour, though? Or is his memory short enough that he wouldn't remember? Hmmm...

Oh, and in the mail was a photo radar ticket for my dad. I was quite delighted at the addition to my arsenal of things to bring up if my dad ever criticises my driving. ^_^

Anyway, I require food. Maybe a bagel and a package of Hallowe'en candy. Mmm...

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