

Thing 1: I saw a headline on msn.ca today that talked about "interval training" and I honestly thought for a minute they were talking about aural skills.

Thing 2: I can't find my binder. That binder has _everything_ in it except lessons and Wind Ensemble. I think it's either in the Media Room or in South Lab, because it certainly isn't anywhere else. Double plus ungood.

Thing 3: My dog wants attention, but his arthritis is acting up, so he doesn't like having his back touched, which kind of limits petting him. Poor Farley. I don't know where my mom keeps his doggy anti-inflamatories...

Thing 4: You know that pink frying pan I mentioned in an earlier post? Well, I was flipping through a Bay flyer today and found that frying pan along with a whole line of pink kitchen stuff by KitchenAid. Food processor, blender, kettle, measuring cups, knife, whisk and spatula... And that's not to mention all the other stuff on the page, such as a pink Dirt Devil vacuum broom, pens, various devices for holding your keys and tags and even a sports towel. Oh, and, of course, one of those rubber bracelet things. And polo shirts modeled by Celine Dion and her husband. And a matress. That isn't pink. And I've still left several items out. I officially declare this nuts.

Thing 5: Now that it is past noon, I'm going shopping! Three cheers for being a consumer! ;-p

1 comment:

Joyce said...

farley has arthritis? poor farley. =(