
Meta Offspring

Ugh, no more work for now.

The section of my speech I've been working on for the past two days is giving me problems. It's only 153 words, but it's proving more than a little difficult. This is only the second fifth of the speech, though, so I can't fall behind now. Maybe I'll take it on the bus tomorrow.

Yay tomorrow. Or not. Getting up at 5 am doesn't exactly make me happy. Nor does having a concert halfway through the term. I know that a whole term can be a little long to work on some stuff, but we always seem to be under the gun in Wind Ensemble. I always either hear people say that people need to get their act together, or that it's too much to ask. Now, I know the disparity in skill level in Wind Ensemble is greater than would be best, but such a system should allow the lower-level players to learn from the higher-level players rather than bear the brunt of annoyance for not having the experience that negates the need for a slower learning curve. *sigh*

But I'll get to browse the tradefair. Maybe buy myself a nicer baton. Yay GST rebate cheques! Maybe invest in a nice cloth for my valves. My stupid valves. Russ told me to start washing them every day. Bah. See if there's a repair clinic I can attend. Maybe if I manage to not be in Wind Ensemble in my... oh, God, my sixth year, I'll just attend the conference as a normal student attender person. That would actually be nice, and it wouldn't entail performing or missing a theory mid-term.

There was the funniest thing that happened in rehearsal today, though! Ryan Laslop, Court's younger brother, is in first-year on percussion, and has even taken over Court's old job. Anyway, there's this one piece that has a lot of pitch changes in the tympani, and Ryan was having trouble keeping up with them. Dr. Street was checking that he'd be able to play this one important part, and he spoke the rhythm to him. In response, Ryan said "I can't get the bump-bump, but I can make the digga-digga." Maybe you had to be there, but it was hilarious. Katie even wrote it down. If I've misquoted him, Katie, feel free to correct me. It was just funny to see a remarkably good-looking, built guy in a tight (MSA) t-shirt, complete with pit stains from moving equipment around, say, in all seriousness, bump-bump and digga-digga.

Aah! I'm watching the beginning of CSI, and the credits are still rolling, and there's a person named Meta! I totally want to name my daughter Meta!! ^_^

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