
*does happy dance of no more insane workload*

Hey, Cheney's cronie resigned. Spiffy.

Alrighty! Week of Hell is OVER!!!! And it went well, all things considered! Yesterday I had to skip my afternoon class to get my two projects finished in time to go to the bar, but I did it, and so I rewarded myself with a horrible, but free, "vodka and seven." See, last night was the graduate history students' Hallowe'en party, as a believe I mentioned, and for the event, the Iron Horse had been booked, even though there were only about 100 people there. The tickets entitled people to a free drink before 10, but it was restricte to highballs. Now, you tell me to find you a 60-40 cab-bordeau wine and I've got no problem, but I have no idea what the hell a highball is. I tried ordering a vodka and cranberry, but they wouldn't let me do that, and suggested the vodka and seven. I figured what the hell. Yeah, that was a mistake. Later, I gave Peter five bucks and got him to get me a vodka and cranberry. That was much better. Oh, and many people met, yada yada, but they were all in costume, so I totally won't be able to recognise them later. ^_^

Okay, I've decided that this weekend, I will catch up on the past, like, two weeks of blog reading. The only ones I've been able to keep up with are Kaitlyn's and Joyce's, and that's because they don't update that often. All the others I read, though, have fallen by the wayside in my mad mid-semester crunch.

*does another happy dance of no more insane workload*

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