
I'd Like it to Stay Sunday, Please

At Peter's. He's doing an "instance" with a group of Lurker Lounge people in WOW. Dave was playing Windwaker, but got frustrated after being captured a few too many times. I was reading Ali's blog.

My friend Ali, who I went to highschool with, keeps a blog that I don't link to from here, because it's rather depressing, and her parents are musician-type people and I'm not sure it's appropriate to broadcast her opinions of them to my music student friends. But mostly because it's depressing. And I worry about her, and Joyce worries about her, and then I worry more, and it's not good. *sigh* I wish I could win the lottery and give Ali money so that she could pay for her education and some medication she seems to desperately need.

Air Bud: Seventh Inning Fetch. Does that seem wrong to anybody else?? Oh, God, I just checked IMDb, and that's the fourth Air Bud movie of five! Five!!!! Whoever's in charge of Disney these days needs to to be killed along with all of his offspring to purge the world of such horrors.

Ugh, I need to get some work done today. The written portion of my Streetcar assignment is due tomorrow at 9 am. This will cut a large amount of time out of my prep for tomorrow's lesson, which is right after my class this week because Russ has some Symphony thing in the afternoon. Maybe I'll get to school at some ridiculously early hour tomorrow and go through my stuff. It won't be so bad, though. I have to end my lesson about ten minutes early, anyway, since I had to book a doctor's appointment for noon because I booked it on Friday, and it had to be tomorrow, so there wasn't really a lot of choice of times left. It's only at the U of A hospital, though, so it won't be cutting it too close. Stupid doctor's appointments... I hate those.

Saw Serenity on Firday. It rocked!!!!! I may just have to rent the series and watch it. Is it twisted that I kinda like the idea of the Reevers? Not in the sense that I like what they do, but just in the sense that I think they make interesting bad guys. I also rented the Family Guy moive. I guess the rumour mill from a couple of years ago was wrong--the movie wasn't about Stewie being gay. There was a lot of hinting in the movie that that was where they were going, though, so I'm not discounting the possibility. Loved the Ferris Bueller (sp?) bit, though. I've gotta see that movie again.

Anyway, procrastination over. Time to actually get down to work.

1 comment:

Joyce said...

what an astronomical waste of money...