
Post #60

Yay long weekend! It didn't hit me that it was the weekend until Peter called last night and asked me what I'd like to do, but, man, what a glorious moment when I realized. ^_^ We went and saw Serenity again. I caught a lot more of the exposition this time. I was rather confused about the Reevers after seeing it last week. Peter saw all but one episode of the series during the week, and he wanted to help avoid the "fanboy effect" by contributing to second weekend numbers.

I read the Lucky monologue I have to memorize in class yesterday. I got applause! I was rather surprised. But, apparently, I only have two weeks before I have to perform it. Check it out here, about four fifths of the way down the page.

I'm not quite sure what to do tonight. My parents are in Jasper, Jenilee's in Vermillion, Peter's at work... I don't have a lesson for more than a week, so I don't need to panick about that. Yesterday was so insane that I really just want to do nothing, but I can't think of any nothing to do. Maybe I should head out to the middle east and dig people out from the earthquake rubble. I'm not sure they'd like me, though...

On a side note, does anybody ever use the Italian 6 conducting pattern? I can just feel my teeth vibrate when I think of how sharp beginner players would go if you did that...

Watching the news while blogging does not seem to be a good idea, because I waste all of my rants on the television. I've been working on this post for quite a while, and I've had the TV on for far too long. Maybe I'll give up on both and go find myself a book to read...

I don't care about Martha Stewart sailing in a hollowed-out pumpkin!!!!!


Jo said...

Oooh, the Italian 6 pattern...is that the Christmas tree?? I can't remember technical names:)

Anonymous said...

Yeah, it's the Christmas tree. I gotta say, that part amused me. ^_^