
10-1 With 0:14 to the Half

And it's Sunday. I was going to go to the University and work on my Scene Study project, but my partner isn't feeling well. Says he's had a bad week. Now, I've seen him every day this week (except yesterday), and he's seemed fine, so I'm confused and kind of worried. But I didn't feel like working, either, so I'll just ask him what's up in class tomorrow.

Going to the Wind Sinfonia concert tonight. Looking forward to it, I guess. I have to go to the University first to get my observation form/assignment sheet for my Conducting assignment. At least it's Ray directing, so I'll have an idea of what the hell he's doing, unlike some of the ESO's guest conductors, where I'm left wondering which beat is symbolised by a "butterfly" gesture.

I've decided to drop in on a begginer's Ashtanga class at this place called Lion's Breath Yoga on Tuesday. I drive past in a lot (it's right by Peter's place), and I finally got around to checking out their website, and it looks pretty spiffy. I've noticed lately that the increase in the amount of exercise I've gotten since starting back up with lessons has been greatly benefcial, so some extra-curricular stuff might be even better.

So it's Grey Cup Sunday... My entire family is in front of the TV right now. And we're winning. Not quite the par-TAY affair it could be, but I think that sort of atmosphere might interrupt my dog's napping. Farley really is ridiculously cute.


Anonymous said...

My cousin went to Lion's Breath when she lived in Edmonton. She said that it's quite nice. An instructor (that I really didn't like) at the yoga loft is now at lion's breath and I'm CONVINCED that it involves work politics. Yes. Even in Yoga. ^_^

Anonymous said...

but because I feel the need to plug my second home...why not just come to the yoga loft?? ^_^