

I walked into my house today to discover a trial pair of contact lenses sitting in an envelope on the counter. I was very happy. But now, looking at my computer screen, I'm not so happy. They're better than my last pair, but what I'm writing is still fuzzy. Now I have to go back to the optometrist and get another solution sorted out. *sigh*

Today was busy. I skipped Percussion Tech, even though I told myself I was going to go. But, in all fairness, I told myself that before I remembered that my lesson had been rescheduled to 9:30 this morning. So I went and warmed up and practiced my jury piece. I'm kinda worried about that. I've never been this unprepared two weeks before a jury. I don't even have an accompaniest. Russ was going to arrange Judy for all the trumpet players who wanted it, but she's out of town during juries. My lesson was 40 minutes of articulation. Russ even gave me a serious order to spend an hour a day on articulation. See, he was discussing Wynton Marsalis' warm-up routine with someone recently, and Wynton, because he's Wynton and can actually afford the time and energy to do this, spends 45 minutes a day on the syllable "ka." And now Russ' students all get tech orders that just don't go with the crunch of jury season. And, yes, for the record, I lack any speck of commitment and pride in my work. I have these unreasonable ideas of priorities and making "at least four hours of sleep per night" a big one.

Or maybe some people are workaholics and gluttons for punishment and I think they're crazy.

So after lesson, I worked on this costume design project for my Stagecraft and Design course. I wound up having to go to Varsity to buy blank paper, scissors and pencil crayons. And a 3-pack of Lindt chocolates. ^_^ And because I had bought more than $10 in stationary, I got a free Coke. That made no sense to me, but yay free Coke! So I ate my quasi-lunch and worked until Wind Ensemble. Then I skipped the first 35 minutes of my Stagecraft course to finish the project. That class sucks. Thank God it's over in two weeks.

I met with my Scene Study partner after that to work on our final scene project for the term. I was surprised to find out that he had chosen the scene we're doing as an acting exercise for both of us. But lots of good work was done, so hopefully this won't be too painful. Then I met Peter for an early dinner at Earls. Mmm, cheeseburger. :-) And now I'm watching Gilmore Girls, which I thought was going to be a rerun, but turned out not to be, which was a nice surprise. :-)

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