
Why Doesn't the Moon Spin as it Orbits?

I have just eaten an Oreo, and that makes me happy. :-) I also have a virtually obligation-free extra-long weekend ahead of me, and that makes me happy, too. :-)

So first we've had a quick succession of several natural disasters, and now we've got a new French Revolution. We're going to hell in a handbasket! ^_^ When I was, like, 12, I found it intriguing that the expression "May you live in interesting times" was a curse. Oh, hey, and western chain hotels in Amman, Jordan were bombed. I shouldn't watch the news while blogging. I've said that before, too.

So I was 20 minutes late for Wind Ensemble yesterday because I _had_ to finish this assignment for the class I had right after, which I felt really bad about, but as I got there, rehearsal was just letting out. Apparently, Dr. Street had just given a speech. And it doesn't even seem to have been a "get your shit together" speech. The concert on Saturday actually went pretty well. Well, Sinfonietta wasn't perfect, but that piece aggrivates me, so I don't care. ^_^

I wonder what it'd be like to work in a think tank. I think I'd like to try it. I'd also like to be a hairdresser, a London cab driver and an alchemist.

Okay, I've just deleted two attempts at writing about people's complaints about light sentences. Again with the not watching the news while blogging. So I'm going to stop blogging now. Happy Suicide Prevention Weekend!


Anonymous said...

Becuase the moon either isn't completely spherical. The side that faces the earth has more mass than the other side. They belive that this happened when the moon was still forming, and perhaps volcanic.


'Nita said...

Ah! That makes sense! Peter didn't know, and it was driving him crazy. ^_^ Thanks!