
The Net

Monday is my most insane day of the week, and more or less has been since I started University. In addition to my classes, I have my lesson and rep class on Monday. Thank God I don't have Jazz Band any more to top it off. Today was all right, though. My Scene Study class, which is usually a two-hour workout to start my day, was spent largely in HUB eating watermelon gummies (well, I had two of them, anyway). Each group had booked time in SouthLab during class hours to rehearse our final project in private with the prof, and our time wasn't until the last quarter of the class, so my partner, Scott, and I went to HUB with this guy Lester, who supplied the aforementioned watermelon gummies. Lester and I were going to buy Scott a coffee to cheer him up, since his best friend had been an ass recently and cost him upwards of $300 (long story about car getting towed... twice), but Scott didn't want coffee, so we just sat around wasting time. It was nice and non-mentally-challenging, as Monday mornings should be. The rehearsal was kinda bad because we just plain disagreed with our prof on what was literally going on in our scene, but I'm still miffed at her about that review, so I don't really care.

Then I took a nap, which I hadn't planned on doing, but it was sunny and I was tired and I woke up 55 minutes before my lesson in need of lunch and not having played yet. La Pasta is wonderful and Olwyn gave me her room when there were none left, which makes her very wonderful. :-) Half of my lesson was articulation, which, while frustrating, is productive and gave me a nice long warm-up. And I have an accompaniest for my jury!!! Sylvia Shaddick-Taylor (sp?). Since both Roger and Judy are out of town for juries... *grrr* I rehearse with Sylvia tomorrow morning.

Ohohohoh!!! And I don't have to play in the instrumental excerpt for my Conducting final!!!!!! *does happy dance*

And I didn't have to play in rep class!!! *does more happy dance*

Well, actually, I'm sitting on my bed, not moving much at all, but I'm dancing on the inside.

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