
Calderon Dreamin'

So I picked my dog up from the groomers this afternoon. He's pretty. ^_^ Anyway, all the way home, he was fine. But the second we pull into the garage, he throws up in my car. *sigh* At least it was easy enough to clean up.

So it's the Friday of the Labour Day long weekend. I'm tempted to pack a bag and head to Calderon Acres. God knows there'd be something for me to do there. Plus, I miss Wayne and Ted. Wayne would have been so proud of me. Joyce took me to her advanced Astanga Yoga class on Wednesday (holy crap!), and there were pictures of Hare Krishna at the front of the room. I still hurt. Down Dog really is a bitch. But, yeah, I haven't seen Wayne since his impromtu move to India and subsequent deportation. Well, kinda. He left before they could deport him, which, I gotta say, was one of Wayne's better decisions. Oooh! And I could meet Ted's fiancee! My mom used to think that Ted was gay because he'd hit 33 or however old he is without showing any real interest in getting married. *breathe in, breathe out*

Wow, it's like the world is setting the stage for us to have a really good weekend. The maids cleaned the house thouroughly two days ago, Rob and co are currently mowing the lawn, my mom's car is fixed after her accident and the new computer arrived two weeks early. Now that all the stresses are gone, all we need is for something fun to happen... ... ... ...hello?


Joyce said...

the pictures weren't hare krishna. it was actually of sri patthabi jois who was the founder of ashtanga yoga.

Anonymous said...

Janita, you are the subject of comment spamming!! You should turn on the Word Authorization, thereby obliterating comment spammers. I haven't had any problems myself...
Anyhow, glad to hear that stress has been reduced...until school begins next week!!! Oh yeah, and I think it's Downward facing dog...and yes, it's a BITCH, so to speak:)

'Nita said...

Oh, really, Joyce? Oh, well. Wayne would still give me a speech if he found out I'd been there. Word verification now set up. No more comment spam!