

I can play the drums!!! Well, I can hit a practice pad properly with snare sticks. I've spent the past 9 years having absolutely no idea how to do that, and this morning I learned how. It was totally worth being in class at 8am, even though I only got 5 hours of sleep.

In other news, the first module of my Stagecraft and Design course is history of the theatre. We covered all of ancient Greece and Romans in 35 minutes today. The whole class was dead silent, some taking notes, some not. Now, I've mentioned that this woman has a very strong Serbian accent, have I not? So her English is hard enough to understand, let alone her Greek. When she finished her lecture, she asked if anybody had any questions. Nobody said anything, so she recapped what she'd taught. Then she asked again if anybody had any questions. A couple of people timidly raised their hands. This opened the flood gates. Most of the students in this course are second-year drama majors. This means that the Theatre History courses that teach this stuff in detail are just starting up for them. I took those courses last year, so this stuff was all basic review to me, but good lord was the rest of the class confused. At least five people asked the difference between the Greek and Roman Orchestra, which is one of the simplest and most obvious differences between the two types of theatres. Nobody could spell Skene. The fact that the Romans used stairs seemed to absolutely baffle some people. At least they knew who Dionysus was, although the concept of the Festival of Dionysus was kinda not really emphasized. This is going to be a difficult module to sit through...

Also--and this really made me rub my forehead--the prof put the syllabus on WebCT, but most students still can't access it. After nearly a week of fielding complaints about this, does she just print off copies of the syllabus? No, she prints off copies of the help website for WebCT, with links that go to pages explaining things like your CNS login ID. I wrote IQ Reqs beside each link on my copy. I estimate that, in order to log onto WebCT, you need an IQ of 7.

Wind Ensemble started today. I had a tacet for most of the stuff we rehearsed, because I have a backstage solo part. It was ex-cite-ing. One thing made it a bit better, though: halfway through rehearsal, I noticed that Katie was wearing a Suicide Girls hoodie. Loved that. ^_^

Season premier of Gilmore Girls and House are on tonight!!!!! They're at the same time, though, so I'm gonna tape House because a) it's not on digital cable, and I can therefore tape it from my television, and b) Peter wants to see it, and has charged me with taping it every week, as he's in class Tuesday nights. Apparently LL Cool J is guesting on House as a sick Death Row inmate. Huh. House was talking to Cameron about being damaged in the promo I saw, and I'm totally a sucker for that. ^_^ And I want to see Luke's answer to Lorelai's proposal on GG! I'm pretty sure it's a yes, but I've curbed my spoiler-whore ways for the summer, and, besides, it's the _how_ that makes it worth watching. Still, *squee*!


1 comment:

Jo said...

Sorry to break the news Janita, but pretty much ALL you'll learn to do in percussion techniques is hit a practice pad with a stick, so you've basically learned all you're going to!!!!