
Uncommon Mondayness

Good evening. It is Monday, and it has been a good day. I had a good lesson, good classes and I woke up feeling rested. I even had time to have breakfast and coffee at home. And I had the most delicious dinner! I took taosted raisin bread, spread mascarpone cheese on it, topped it with apple slices, and sprinkled it with cinnamon. Mmmm... If you get pretentious with your description of it, it fits right on a gourmet appetizer menu, but is cheap, easy and healthy.

Peter is watching Prison Break. His dad walked in and greeted me as the lady of the house. That creeped me out. Oh, well, I suppose I stay over more often than Shelly, the only other woman that stays over. Dave needs to get a girlfriend so that there's someone my age-ish who's in this boat with me. ^_^ The last social outing I heard of Dave going on was to his colleague's house yesterday with a bunch of people to watch DVDs of Firefly, though, so I may have a while to wait. ;-p

I am not a suspense person. I mean, if I know that a movie is going to end with a happy ever after, and that the suspense is just in how they get there, that's fine. But this Prison Break show is just getting to me. I have no idea what kind of timeline they're working with, here, so I'm never sure whether to be worried. Also, the romance subplot with the prison doctor is just insane. I think it was best put in the second episode: "Cute!" "Prisoner!" the latter being spoken by the love interest, the former by I think a nurse. Yet, still, they plough on to the ploughing. Oh, well. New Gilmore Girls and House tomorrow! Yay!

Life? What's a life?


Jo said...

Two times, maybe, but THREE???? Blogger problems, 'nita??? Hahaha:)

Anonymous said...

Beware the groove!......groooove....Oh, sorry I meant that Linda Blair must have gotten bored with my car, as I have been able to start it just fine. Apparently I don't a life either, as I have never heard of this Prison Break business. Stupid working 12 hour nights. Boo.