
Second Day of Classes

Today was... long. Percussion Tech looks is going to be great. Carly's in my class. She showed up and I asked her what she was doing there. Taking the class, she said. Maybe because she's been away at Ed for the last year, or maybe because I just saw her spiffy business cards, or maybe because it was 8am, but for some reason I thought she'd graduated. I sat there thinking very hard about what kind of paperwork you had to do to come back to retake a course after you'd graduated before she reminded me. Class got out early, leaving me with nearly five hours to fill. I will be very glad when Wind Ensemble starts, thus shortening my insanely long break. Well, I say that now...

I went to Southgate during my break to see if Eddie Bauer had that sweater vest I wanted in my size in brown. Nope. So I poked around the mall a bit, looking for a dress to wear to my cousin's wedding that was slightly cheaper than the one I bought at Banana Republic, and then treated myself to Tim Horton's. Mmm, steeped tea. I know steeping it doesn't do that much to make it taste better, and that it's really just a gimmick, but it's so much less hassle to not have to fuss with the teabag. But, anyway, since neither West Ed nor Southgate have the sweatervest I want, I ordered it online. It'll be here in about a week. Muchly looking forward to that.

2:00 finally came. I even practiced some more to pass the time. The whole tone technical exercises in the first Vizutti book are a bitch to read. They adhere to the rule about using sharps when ascending and flats when descending, but they don't correct the accidentals within the same bar before switching from sharps to flats. So suddenly it's a B natural, not a B sharp, but you have only the context of the other 16th notes in that beat to figure that out. Boo.

Anyway, 2:00. My Stagecraft and Design course is indeed in Tory, and in a damned small classroom for the number of people we had there. The class was supposed to be capped at 40, but we had nearly 50 people in there. It's mostly theoretical. It's co-taught by the University's Tech and Design guru, who's a cool old hippy, as well as a 20-something woman with a _strong_ Serbian accent. Seriously, I'm not sure this woman knows what consonants are. She's doing the first and third modules of three, though, so I'll have to get used to it. She asked why people were taking this class if it wasn't required, and I had to tell them that as of this calendar year, this was a requied course for BEd Drama minors, which is technically what I am. I hate that I get the good Music education but the bad Drama one. None of the students in this class were first-years, though, since it has prereqs, so nobody could corroburate (sp?) what I was saying.

Yeah, totally fell asleep in that class. Bad time of day. Still looking forward to having a lecture class, though, and glad that everything's on WebCT, or at least will be. Might even buy the Design book that guru John has his BFADesign students buy. It'll be useful later on, and I can get it at the bookstore. There aren't any other books for this course. In fact, the only other book I have to buy at all, since I have my Conducting and Percussion Tech books from last year when I was planning on taking them, is a copy of Streetcar Named Desire for my Scene Study course, provided I get in. Still waiting on that e-mail. Oh, and I suppose that I had to buy the Vizutti books, but those aren't textbooks, those are trumpet bibles.

Oh, and I also found out that both Beth and Jackie, third years, are going to be in my section of the Conducting class. Very glad to have a couple of people I know and like there.

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