
And Now It's Thursday

I'm doing it again. I'm watching the news while blogging. Child porn. Wonderful.

Speaking of, I've often comtemplated just doing an entry full of keywords, so that people will stumble across this blog when searching for, I dunno, anal sex, and then I can laugh at them. Although I guess blogs aren't that uncommon for porn. According to Josey Vogels, livejournal has quite the erotic fiction community. In a way, that kind of makes sense. LJ has a well-organized system of communities, unlike Blogger, and the public-input writing sites I know of, like Fiction Press, don't accept that kind of stuff. Why am I contemplating this on my blog? ^_^

So my mid-terms went... all right. I don't know what David Grammit was thinking. Most of the class failed the first mid-term, to the point where he gave us compensatory extra-credit exercises, and this mid-term was longer and harder. I left with one minute left with one question blank and I think I was the the third or fourth person to leave. Ed Psych was fine. It took me fourty minutes and was pretty straight-forward. I couldn't have done any better without more preparation, I'd say, so I guess I don't have any problem with the test itself. In any case, they're over. Thank god.

Yesterday wasn't all that pleasant. After writing my mid-term, I had the worst migrane. I wound up cancelling my trumpet lesson and going to Peter's place to sleep. It was closer, and there was less chance of somebody coming home and making noise. I missed my afternoon class, too, but got up to head to my first shift at A&B Sound. It was good. Kind of boring, but oh, well. I was working on this clearance program that needs to get done by the end of the month, and I wound up bleeding under my thumbnails from peeling price stickers off. Once I realized that was happening, I slowed down. ^_^ But there's no cash to deal with, and no cleaning to do. When the last customer walks out at 9pm, you can leave. You don't even have to turn off the lights.

Tomorrow will see Honour Band kiddies all over the place. I thought they'd be around today, but they weren't. We're supposed to rehearse with them tomorrow afternoon, but I'm gonna go to my Speech class instead. I won't be missed.

Oh, and apparently there won't be a fifth Wind Ensemble performance this year. Apparently then Hindemith was exclusively for the wind band candidates. Speaking of, the third and final candidate was around today. He's my second choice, and I wouldn't terribly mind him getting the job. His pedagogy seemed a little too young band, but that's probably because he decided to rehearse the third movement of the Hindemith, which we hadn't so much as looked at before, so it kind of... bombed. He took Postcard waaaay too fast, but he was kind of mislead by whoever it was in the first row he asked about the tempo. We held on, more or less. I really hate Frank Tichelli. His lecture this morning was actually pretty good. He gave us detailed notes about First Suite, including a list of mistakes in the old edition. The only problem with the lecture was that, and I don't necesarily mean this as an insult, but he's not so much with the words. He kept stammering, trying to find the right words, and stopping himself halfway through sentences to reword what he was saying, and, most frustratingly, he would often abandon words althogether and go for gestures and onomatopoeic noises to communicate his cocept, then say "You know what I'm saying." Not always, unfortunately.

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