
Go See This Movie

It's Saturday morning and I'm feeling rather like crap. I woke up with a horrid migrane and a sore back, the latter of which mystifies me somewhat, so now I'm waiting for the Advil to kick in. I also went to bed last night without taking out my contact lenses, so my eyes were painfully dry, but, luckily, I had contact lense solution with me to rehydrate the lenses, so I can actually keep my eyes open long enough to see the conputer screen right now.

Peter and I went and saw V for Vendetta last night. It was quite incredible. Rather Captial-R-Romantic. I spent some time last night trying to figure out why I like Romantic things. I was unable to come up with a reason other than I'm a sucker for that kind of stuff, and it's not that I'd rather be cynical, but there's still a part of me that finds it... odd to consider Hugo Weaving sexy in this role. ^_^

Ahh, the Advil seems to be kicking in. Peter's still asleep, the lazy bum. Well, not really, since it's only 10:30, but I am now wide awake and in search of breakfast. So I bid you all adieu until tonight! Yay, tonight! Oh, crap, that reminds me that I have to be at Con Hall at 5. Blick. Oh, well--yay, later tonight!

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