
Par-tay the Sixth!

It's early Sunday morning, and we're sitting around playing video games. Mario Party 6 at the moment. Doug and Courtney are even in town for the event. Kaitlyn, sadly enough, is not. But even if she had planned to come, I wouldn't blame her for not showing up. Peter and I got out of the movie at about 1am last night, and it had been snowing like mad. It took me nearly 10 minutes to clear the snow off my car, and it hasn't really let up since. Doug says the storm essentially runs the length of highway 2, so I imagine driving up from Calgary would be... frightening.

There was, of course, a Wind Ensemble concert tonight. It went well enough, but when I left to go to Numchok Wilai, I got a flat tire on Saskatchewan Drive. I thought maybe I'd hit the curb or something, and since I had the heat blasted, I couldn't hear the noise it was making, and since there was _so_much_snow_ on the road that I couldn't tell that I was having trouble steering until I got onto Groat, at which point I was stuck. I hit my four-way flashers and did 30 to Peter's house, then walked to the restaurant. Something was smoking when I looked at the flat tire. I'll call AMA in the morning. I still haven't put my spare back properly from the last time I got a flat. ^_^

But I got to Numchok Wilai just as the food was arriving, which was nice. It turns out they do have fishcakes, but they were frozen at the time, so we didn't get any. But everything was very yummy, and we considered shipping some to Jo and Eric in Illinois. ^_^ We tried ordering mango and coconut rice for dessert, but they didn't have enough mangoes for all of us, so we asked for the deep-fried bananas instead. They brought those, and then two plates of the mangoes, and then two plates of the baked custard. When that showed up, I said "I _know_ we didn't try to order that," but it was yummy. I'm acquiring a taste for the coconut sticky rice.

Doug says "Bloody Hell!" He was having trouble with the canon game. ^_^

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope you had an awesome time! I, of course, ended up sleeping all the way through the evening. Let's put it this way, it was a long week. Anyways, I apologize for not making it, and will definitely be there next time! :)