

I have been tagged!

The rules are as follows:

1. Thank the person who tagged you
2. Tell five weird/strange things about yourself
3. Tag five other people.

Firstly, thanks Jo!

Now, five things about me...

1. In order to properly see this computer screen, I have to wear both contact lenses _and_ glasses. Well, actually, I could just wear glasses, but I hate wearing glasses all day, so I wear contact lenses and just add the glasses for things like reading and looking at screens.

2. I have had my skull drilled through. It was worth it just for the morphine. ;-)

3. I was a very literal child. This came up recently when Something Awful had a "MS Paint your childhood misconceptions" contest. The funniest one I can remember is that when my mom first started talking to me about sex (when I was, like, six years old), she referred to it as "making love." I, of course, pictured a man and a woman sitting around cutting hearts out of red contruction paper. They were _making_ love. When I found out you had to be naked, I was so confused. ^_^

4. My favourite television show is ReBoot. Yes, it is a kids' show in early CGI. Yes, it debuted when I was 10. Yes, it took them 8 years to make four seasons. But it rocks. I command you all to go watch it.

5. I used to work at a maternity clothing store. That's not the thing. The thing is that, when faced with women who were teeming with hormones and often towing two or three children behind them, it was the husbands who were the most difficult to deal with. Oh, and we had to greet everyone who entered the store with the phrase "Welcome to Motherhood." (The store was called Motherhood Maternity, but, still, isn't that the stupidest line ever?)

Okay, now for the hard part. I have to tag five other people. I don't know five people other thant he ones Joanne tagged that have blogss, so I'm gonna have to get people to e-mail theirs, or maybe just post them as comments in my blog.

I tag Joyce, Pri, Morgan, Jenilee and Kaitlyn. I know Joanne tagged Kaitlyn, but that girl needs incentive to update her blog more often. ;-p

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