
I Hate Beaurocracy

Since its inception, Beartracks has steadily increased its security features. It is now more or less impossible to misuse the system, what with the restriction/requisite check. This, however, is quite the impediment when beaurocratic red tape is holding you back. It used to be that you could register for a class and it wouldn't be a problem until you got to the class and the prof told you that you weren't supposed to be there. Kind of a shoot 'em all and let God sort 'em out type deal. This worked marvelously if you knew what you were doing. But I guess the Registrar's Office got sick of dealing with people who had screwed their registration up to high heaven, so they decided to not let people register for any courses they were not explicitly allowed into. This is wonderfully exemplified in my inability to register in Drama courses. I have to declare my Drama minor with Education, not Arts, but I can't declare anything with Education until I'm an Ed student, and I can't register in Drama classes without being an official Drama minor. I got to know Connie, the woman in the Drama office, quite well, because it was ultimately her I had to beg for admission. Thank God for Connie.

Today is the day that I'm allowed to begin registering. I can't, of course. The transfer to Ed application isn't due until the end of the month, but I can't register for any of my IPT/APT courses until it's approved. I handed it in before the end of February, but it's still pending, of course. Yay, red tape! So I get to sit back, relax, and hope that the classes I need in order to _not_ graduate an _extra_ year late don't fill up before I get a chance to get in them.


(Yes, I know that there's a very small chance of anything bad happening, but Bear Tracks security has just done one too many things to annoy me in my post-secondary career.)

In other news, I'm trying to talk myself into practicing. Wind Ensemble was cancelled today because of the concert on Saturday, so I was done classes at 11 (except Ed Psych, which doesn't count ^_^), and since I've now wasted time having a nice long lunch with Joyce, I'm getting the feeling I should be productive. But before I came down to the lab, I organized my stuff that I'll be taking home with me, and I even took my coat, so I think my descision may already be made. ^_^

1 comment:

Joyce said...

you and connie will need to have a nice goodbye when you graduate. ^_^