
It's Called a Headdesk, but I'm Using a Laptop

I'm at Peter's watching Hell's Kitchen. I'm sad to say that I haven't really been following this season very well. Two people are in Vegas checking out the restaurant that one of them will win. Well, one of the final five, anyway. Why do all of these people smoke? It's like they don't think that you need a sense of taste or smell to be a chef. Also, this season is much more Reality-TV-ish than the first one, and I am not impressed by that. The one guy just had a bit of a breakdown about his past as an abuser of some sort. The other guy was wearing his hard hat at a jaunty angle.

We are all manifestation of Ass. Peter therefore wishes to remove himself from being a relevant portion of humanity, lest he share Ass with certain people.

Also, nobody enunciates properly. ;-p

Ok, I think that I need to extend my "no watching the news while blogging" to "no watching TV while blogging." Possibly also "no talking to other people while blogging." I am upset at various things around me. Bah. Grrrrr!!!!!!!!! Stupid reality TV! Stupid other people talking while I'm thinking! GRRRRR!!!!!



Ok, I'm done now. I hope.

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