
*does more happy dance*

I am in a ridiculously good mood. I just had my last exam (Conducting), I passed Percussion Tech despite not going to at least one third of the classes (*at least*), and I have a celebratory mug of tea and a couple of Turtles chocolates. Mmm. :-)

Also, girl from last night turns out to be Dave's new/first/whatever girlfriend, which makes me happy because now there's another girl around to complain that the toilet doesn't have a seat. ^_^ Last night was kind of awkward, though. Andy's secretary was at dinner, and didn't really say much at all, and I was worried that she was miffed that the conversation was being dominated by the four 20-somethings while she and Andy sat at opposite ends of the table, looking confused.

But right now my mug of tea tells me it's not worth worrying about. :-)

Anyway, butterscotch (or, rather, "butter ripple") Schnapps has been purchased, and I look forward to Thursday!

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