

So today Peter and I went out for brunch as our official celebration of our 2-year anniversary, which was technically on Monday. We ordered too much food. It was soooo yummy, though. We got a cinnamon bun with cream cheese icing and maple syrup first, and then I had eggs benedict and Peter had mascarpone french toast with bananas and a side of bacon. Wow, maybe you guys don't care abo0ut that. But I'm trying to emphasize that it was a _lot_ of food. And so now I'm lounging around and trying to digest.

Andy's doing something with a rocking chair and a digital camera... It looks awkward...

Anyway, yeah, I'm at Peter's place because I have locked myself out of my car. Or, at least, I think I have. I can't find my keys, and I'm hoping they're in the centre console of my car, because otherwise I might be kind of screwed. I should call my mom to get her to bring me a spare key, but it's really all the same to me where I hang around, and since I've got my comp here with me, I figure I'll stay here for a bit. I like this place. I'd say that I wish I lived here, but I kind of do sometimes. ^_^

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